Kundalini Wonder: The god/goddess in Your Body
Dorothy Waters
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Incidents of profound spiritual awakening are being reported world wide these days as massive transformation occurs across the planet. Each opening is unique. All are life changing. All mark the beginning of a long and mysterious journey, directed by the life force itself and known as Kundalini. Dorothy Walters experienced such transfiguration in l981, when little or nothing was known in the West about this phenomenon. With no guide or teacher to help her, she followed the direction of the "inner guru" to carry her through her long journey of awakening and transformation. This process changed her life totally, leading her to dedicate her life to experiencing, researching, and writing both poetry and prose about the mystery called Kundalini (the life force) and helping others on the path.
Dorothy Walters, Ph.D., spent most of her early professional life as a professor of English literature in various Midwestern universities. She helped to found one of the first women’s studies programs in this country and served as the director of this program for many years. She underwent major Kundalini awakening in 1981, a phenomenon totally unfamiliar to her as well as to most of her contemporaries at the time. Since then she has devoted her life to researching and writing about this subject and to witnessing the unfolding of this process within herself as well as assisting others on a similar path through writing and other means.